Friday, September 01, 2006

5 hours and counting.
I have my caramel apples, I have my "good for me" food, and I have coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. My wonderful critiquing group offered support, and my wonderful husband offered to stay the heck out of the way. I think I have an idea (thank goodness. 3 days ago I didn't), and I think it might just work. Just have to clear my desk, and I'm ready to start the 3 Day Novel Contest.

Got back from our whirlwind trip through Southern Alberta last night. It was great. I got to see prehistory (the Tyrell Museum in Drumheller, and Writing on Stone National Park), history (pick a small town and they have a museum) and the future (Vulcan's Star Trek tribute.) Oh, and I lost my brush. The only thing I actually took with me, and I lost it. Drumheller, I think. So now, I have to buy a new one. It's probably good I didn't pack anything more than that. Oh, and found a fantastic sale at Marks Work Wearhouse in Drumheller. (Husband is tall, with the long legs. This is one store where he can actually find clothes that fit him, so I went along.) So, I got a pair of jeans and 2 shirts for $12.00. That's right. $12.00. And they're nice! Really. They fit and everything. So, this no packing actually worked out for me. Except for the brush. Sigh.

After the contest, I'll figure out how to put pictures onto this blog, so I can bore you with a "slide show of my trip." But now, I must go and mentally prepare myself for writing a novel in 72 hours. Believe me, it can be done. This is my 3rd time doing this contest, and I finished both times before. But I've never done it following a full year of novel writing. My little trip recharged my batteries a bit, but I don't know if it's enough.

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Tina Hunter said...

You have all my best wishes, and I'm sending you positive vibes through the universe... I hope you get them.

Go get 'em girl!!!