Friday, November 03, 2006

Word count 10214

This is a photograph from my room in Banff. See, I really was there!

Oh, yeah, that word count looks pretty good going up there. Except that they aren't all new words. But I guess I'll cut myself a little bit of slack, because I had to pretty much start again with Virago (read whining in previous posts) so this is a mish mash of rewriting and new writing. But I'll take the 10214, thank you very much, because it was hard fighting to get there.

Making the deal with Dust sure helped. More or less kept me on track, so far, anyhow. However, Ive dropped the ball on short stories -- finished the novella, but haven't finished the story I started in Banff (I'm starting to have doubts about it, which doesn't help). But I know I need these too. Crap! I just need more hours in the day, or something.

Splitting my focus between two works is hard. Something I'll have to work on though.

And working in a second storyline has been a little difficult too. I realized I always write my stories from one person's POV, and that has really limited me. However, learning how to look at things with "someone else's eyes" is hard too. You wouldn't think it would be, because that's basically what we do when we write these stories -- but I was quite comfortable where I was, and I'm really having to think, now, while I'm writing. So it's slowing me down. Oh well. I'll get used to this, and get things back up to a good fast pace again, I'm sure.

Still have heard nothing from the publisher. Good. No quick rejection. Another cause for celebration.

I went to the other critiquing group -- and it was interesting. They do not just critique, which my original group does. They discuss issues they're having in their novels, stuff that's going on in their lives (some of it related to writing, some not) and other stuff. And they treat the evening as a social event as well. I have to think hard about this. I will give them two months. then I'll make a decision. they must be doing something right, because many of them (as far as I could tell) have been published, and this is what I'm looking for.

Should go, am not finished the word count for the day, and it's getting late. (for me)

Let's see if I can put one more photo up.
This is Edmonton in October. Darn it anyhow.


Tina Hunter said...

Love the Pictures!

I'm glad our little deal is helping you, it sure is helping me.

I think it's wonderful that you are getting exposure to other writting groups as well. Especially one who's members have been published. You and I will have to talk about what you learnt.

I still have my fingers crossed for you in regards to Manhood Road.

Well I'm off to either hit my word count for the day, or finish sewing my curtains. Curtains, word count, curtains, word count... Word Count! I'll email you the numbers later.


E.C.Bell said...

DId curtains or wrod count win out?