Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What am I to do?

Yesterday was my official start for Virago -- again. Read through the 164 pages I rewrote before I stopped to finished Seeing the Light -- and some of it isn't too bad. I was glad of that. However, there is a LITTLE problem with motivation for one (at least) of my characters. Dammit! Ended up back folding clothes, and trying to work out why the heck Andrew (one of the bad guys) was acting the way he was, and doing the things he was doing. Nasty little conundrum, and I'm not quite through it yet.

Would have been much nicer to have said -- oh good, every word's gold, and on to page 165. Not quite. Now I have to think. Some more. Double dammit. I thought the thinking was over.

The good thing is I have a good cast of characters, and they're all doing stuff. No standing around staring, or drinking coffee, or picking navel lint or anything else like that. However.... and here's the big however, if I don't understand why the heck Andrew's being this way, the story could fall apart. ARGGHHH!

And it snowed again yesterday. This is getting pretty hard to handle. The only good thing that happened lately is that Toronto is out of the hunt for the Stanley Cup. Takes a little of the pain away from the dismal showing by the Oilers this year. Well, at least I'll be able to watch my daughter play softball in peace and quiet. And darn that, too. (The peace and quiet, not the softball.)

OK, so tried to watch "Black Dahlia" last night. Half way through my huband looked at me and asked "are you getting any of this?" I was so relieved. I thought it was only me. DePalma did make some attempt to tie up all the loose ends etc., but it was pretty mediocre fare. Wouldn't suggest this -- not even if you want to spend a couple of hours being bored AND confused.

It was funny, but there were two "Black Dahlias" to choose from at the video store. one was done by DePalma, and the other was done by a horror guy. Same story, I think. I wish now we'd picked the other one. My husband wished we'd just watched TV. So there you go.

And, I'm starting to feel kind of crappy. My throat's scratchy, I feel kind of weak, and I could go back to bed right now. Darn that, too. I thought I dodged the flu bullet -- there was a lot of bad stuff floating around this year, and i managed to sidestep (mostly) it. I thought. Well, will double up on Vitamin C and see if that takes the edge off.

OK, enough whining. I have work to do.

1 comment:

Tina Hunter said...

Congrats on getting back into Virago. Any amount of new words is a good thing, and I'm sure once you figure out what Andrew is doing it'll make the story that much better (re: Meris in my novel).

I was so busy at work this week I couldn't finish adding the comments to your 1st 150 pages of Seeing. I only got to page 37 with comments. I promise to get it too you soon... I really need to get MS Word on my home computer.

Have a great writing day.