Saturday, October 20, 2007

I have been remiss!

Turned my back and months had gone by! I've been editing and re-editing Seeing the Light, trying to figure out which version of Manhood Road to use, and have been trying to get myself together for the World Fantasy Convention at the beginning of November. Actually emailed agents etc., to set up meetings, and a couple of them are looking over some of my work. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Life has been hectic here. Daughter is gearing up for her trip to London (England), I just got back from my trip to London (Ontario) and am gearing up for New York, and my husband is getting testy. He swears both of us are already on our trips -- we both look at him blankly whenever he asks us a question about anything. I think he's right!

Renovating is still going on. Does it ever stop? Nope. We are getting new stairs and handrails downstairs -- the last holdover from the original house. They are going to look great -- whenever we get them done.

Am using our new and improved home theatre. It's gorgeous! H did a great job down there. We are now watching the first season of Dexter, whenever there isn't anything else on. Which can happen with great regularity, even with baseball still going on (go Cleveland) and hockey starting again (go Oilers) and the new TV season starting. (A whole lot of nothing. Too bad. I had high hopes.)

And sorry, this is going to be short. Am running off again very soon (getting my hair done, isn't that exciting?) but will try to remember to get here more often.


Amber Haywood (The Healer) is in town for a reading of her new book "Darkness of the God." She's at Volume II, in Edmonton, on October 29th. Go down and support a local author! And see you there.

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