Sunday, February 22, 2009

Off with the old, continued

You need to see a couple more photos, because these REALLY give you an idea what it was like inside the house. Truly. (And yes, some of these ARE from the inside of the house.)

These are my skylights. I had ten of them. Imagine all the light they let in. I don't have any, now. Imagine the light I don't have anymore.

We decided to wait until later to add some, if we needed them.

I miss the light. But not the heat, and the cold, both which streamed in through these things.

This is the loft, after both the outside and inside skin were removed. Those points of light you see is sunlight streaming in through the roof. (and I wasn't kidding about the bookshelves, and books. There they are, THAT close to the elements. Only hole filled plywood keeping it back...)

It was really quite pretty. My own private lightshow. Until it rained....

When it rained, those beautiful rainbows turned into tiny rivers running in my house. Everywhere.

Including on my TV, which is hanging in the kitchen. I think "The Outer Limits" was playing at the time, which only made sense. Yes, we used an umbrella, and it worked quite nicely, thank you very much.

We decided we couldn't have the rain pour in our house anymore, so we went and found the biggest tarp we could, and put it over the house. This is about half of it -- the rest is hanging over the front of the house.

When we stretched that tarp out in the back yard (before we put it over our house) it stretched the full length of the garagemahal. A little further than that, in fact. I was bumbling around ov er my raised bed garden while getting organized. Must have been another laugh riot for the neighbours, is all I can say.

When we finally got it draped (and nailed) over the house, went inside to see if it was doing any good. It was -- and the nailholes in the loft were now streaming blue light through the house. However, by that time, I was pretty tired of taking pictures of nailholes. I just wanted them covered. And not just by a tarp.

As you can tell by the final photo, H has started putting the metal on top of the house. (It is the spot at the top of the house that appears to be blending into the sky.) This in itself was a long, horrible process for H. He would cut the triangle, climbing the ladder to see if the piece fit, cursing to high heavens and clambering back down the ladder to trim the same piece of metal when it didn't fit (and it often didn't) then climbing back up to recheck. Then, and only then could he screw it down.

Oh, and I didn't mention that he landed a HUGE contract (plus a few small ones) that started about the time the renovation started, did I? Well, he did. So, he was gone. A lot. And when he was home, it rained. Or the wind blew. Or something that drove the work to a crawl.

Next time, I'll tell you what I did while he worked off site.

I'll call it "Next Year's Renos" because that's what it was.


By the way, the link in my title is to my website -- and one of my original pieces about the renovation. Just so you know.


Anonymous said...

Poor Eileen. I'm glad you survived to tell us your story.

And what a story it's turning out to be.


Roxanne said...

Eileen - you didn't tell us you had another blog going!! I'm going to have to read it later today (that is when I'm supposedly not "working" ... ) what a delight!

I left a message for you on my blog.