Thursday, April 16, 2009


I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was supposed to be telling you all about the year of hell -- last year. However, THIS year dove in and got interesting, and so I stopped writing here.

I did tell you about the computer meltdown. THAT was too much fun and way too exciting for me. But in the midst of all this, I actually sold a couple of stories for an anthology -- and we writers decided to do it up fine. So we organized a book launch. THAT is what has been taking all my time and focus. I feel like I'm getting ready for my first date or something.

Here's a copy of a poster one of the writers made. And you can see my name, at the top of the pile. Yay for "B" and alphabetizing!

One of the other writers managed to set up a TV spot for us, and it's been downloaded to You Tube

So, two more days, and I get to attend my own official launch. Yeah, it's for an anthology -- but that's just fine. My words are being published, and I've been having a laugh riot.

By the way, if you want to buy a book, but can't make it to the launch, go to the Absolute XPress website (it's under "Flash Fiction"), and buy it through Amazon. And I thank you!

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