Thursday, September 14, 2006

It's Thursday. Thursday. My God.

OK, so I'm a little nervous about the Banff workshop, which starts on Sunday evening. I started laughing and couldn't stop when I saw the weather report. Snow for Saturday. I go up on Sunday. Where are my mittens, anyhow? Probably still in my softball watching coat. I'll check when I finish here.

The retreat went very well, for me. I managed to figure out where the story's going (thank goodness) and how it ends. (Think I already talked about this, but it's worth repeating.) Holy crap, it was so scary, not being able to see the end.

I haven't done much (read any) writing, because I've been critiquing manuscripts by other participants in the workshop in Banff -- and it's different than for my critiquing group. We usually have specific things we want answered, but it is not so, in this case. So, it's a matter of going through them for everything. Lots of fantasy. I was surprised. However, it feels like we're all (more or less) on a level playing field, experience-wise. I might be wrong about that, but I will know in just a few days.

Gack. Just a few days.

Oh, and my husband and I decided to become joiners, for the first time in our lives. We have joined the Liberal Party, and have put our names in as delegates for the upcoming leadership convention. Time to have our voices heard. Besides, the convention's in Montreal, and a few days there doesn't hurt at all!

I realzed a short time ago that I am actually participating in 3 very different types of extreme writing experiences. After I'm finished the 3rd (the workshop in Banff) I will have to put down my thoughts about each. Because man are they ever different! All intense, but very different.

Anyhow, must go repack. Will be back to normal after the 23rd.

1 comment:

Tina Hunter said...

I know that you will do just fine lady. You have much experience and advise in the world of writing to offer to those lucky few in Banff. I should know, I benefited from it on the retreat. Have a blast.
