Saturday, March 16, 2013

Going on my own....

I've been reading a fair bit on how to write a blog that people want to read. One of the first rules is "Use a title that will drive people to your site." I'm pretty sure 'Going on my own' isn't going to do it, but whatever. I like it, so it stays.

I restarted this blog a few weeks ago, when I thought my website was gone forever. It isn't. A friend of mine, the one who set the website up in the first place, answered my panicky plea and fixed it for me. I still have no idea where it went or how he fixed it. However, it's back, so I can use it for my writing related posts.

This leaves THIS blog. Restarted, again. So, what can I do with it?

Well, this one can be more personal. It can talk about stuff that makes me crazy, for example. (I talked about this on my other website, to be honest. But I just talked about it. Didn't actually do anything.)

So, what makes me crazy?

Political stuff. What our federal government is doing. What the provincial government is doing. What the municipal government is doing. (Okay, so this is about the weather, but whatever. It's driving me crazy, too.)

How we treat water in this country.

Racism, in all its gawdawful forms, in this country. And province. And city. (Want to know what it's like in Edmonton? Read these novels.)

Family relationships sometimes drive me crazy, but there's a good chance I won't be talking about them here. Even in my personal blog, I don't want to get too personal. But I might. You never know.

Interpersonal relationships, with those outside the family, sometimes makes me crazy.

Surprisingly, the publishing industry doesn't. It makes me tired, sometimes. It confuses me. And sometimes it depresses me. But it doesn't make me crazy.

You know what makes me the most crazy, though? Me.

For some reason, I decided to dive full bore into collaborative writing instead of doing my own thing. I should have been writing a novel a year...but I didn't. I focussed on the collaborations. So, I have one novel complete, one first draft, three novellas (first draft) and a whole bunch of short stories. Since I want to be a novelist, this appears to be me going in entirely the wrong direction.

I want to complete three (yep. That's right. Three.) novels this year. Get back on track, so I can finally look myself in the eye in the mirror each morning.

I have been letting myself down, and nothing is worse than that. (Though what the federal government is doing to this country is a close second, I must say.)

I hope to finish the novel I'm working on (a rewrite of a paranormal mystery) by the end of this month, and then start the next one. (I have two choices here. One is a fantasy that I started that needs a major rewrite and and bang up ending. The other is just an idea...but oh my god, what an idea!) I will give myself until August to complete this one, and then on to number three. This one will either be a romance (I've started a bunch of these) or something about a talking dog. (A cool idea that's been simmering away for a while.)

Confession over. Back to work. My own work. Finally.

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