Wednesday, August 08, 2007

How I'm Spending My Summer

Not much going on in the writing front right now. I have 8 manuscripts on my computer that need to be critiqued, a novel that's half finished, research to do for my upcoming convention in November -- and I'm not doing anything about anything. Hmm. Looks like I needed a break.

Actually, life's been busy. We've almost finished the TV room (THAT turned into a bigger deal than I thought it would, and why is it that I never remember how much work renovations are?), are still fighting the weeds in the garden, and since our daughter moved back home (doing a little regrouping) we've had the chance to use a BBQ. (Hers came home with her. And I like it!) I've just shut down for a bit in the writing department.

Am thinking about going into the 3 Day novel contest again. Just nibbles around the edges of my brain right now -- if I'm going to do this thing this year, I'm doing it right, with a full outline and the whole bit -- so we'll see. If no good idea comes to me, and no outline, I'm not doing it. I will just cheer on Billie and Christina, two writing pals from Edmonton who have decided to give it a go this year.

I've alway wanted to write a story about a secret society that developed at West Edmonton Mall. Will have to give this a bit more thought. There might be something there.

Am making plans to go to London Ontario in September. It is Ryan's (one of the Banffers) turn to have us all to HIS house for a retreat. We will be planning our World Fantasy Convention foray. (See 1st paragraph for work I SHOULD be doing on that, and am not) It should be good. Will talk my husband into going this time. He has people in Southern Ontario. He can visit his group while I hang out with mine, and we can do some touring after. I haven't been there in years. (A 3 day crime prevention conference doesn't count. Didn't see anyone but "the good guys," and didn't talk about anything but CP. I need to do better than that!) This will be a way to do that.

I don't know why I'm not writing right now. It's scaring me, just a little bit. I think about opening the file and starting the story I'm working on again, and I get tired. That's not good.

It's time to get back at it. Just not today. Today I go visit a friend, and contribute to her outside art wall. (Billie can turn anything into art! It's amazing.) Maybe she can talk me into picking up a pen again.

I hope so. I need a big push, and it looks like I can't do it myself this time. Darn it.

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